Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Story, A Prayer, and a Song

A Story

Last month I helped someone. It was so cool. We had one of those moments of connection that surprise. Words that can't quite be planned. They just seem to form and emerge at just the right time in just the right way.

In those moments, words can heal. Words are powerful.

That day, my words landed. They reached another human being's heart as I shared mine. And then I knew the person in front of me would leave knowing she was heard. Understood. Loved.

I live for those moments. It's part of why I am now a coach. I love how coaching focuses on the positive. On possibilities. On a future yet unknown that we can begin to create now. A tomorrow that is brighter than our present reality and, perhaps, our past. Very cool.

A Prayer

This week I spoke to someone else. Someone with trouble letting go. Listening helped. Words helped. A certain lightness began to fill the room. And, yet, I hoped for more for her. So much more.

So ... as she spoke ... as she shared her heart ... I shared mine with my God. Though she didn't know it, I lifted her up so high.   S o  v e r y   h i g h.

There is no gift like prayer. The one who prays is as blessed as the one lifted up to the One who hears like no one else. Cares like no one else. Loves like no one else. And can answer like no one else.

Through prayer, we live in God's presence. We are lifted higher. We connect with our Creator, and rest.

My hope for her ... is God. God's blessing. God's joy. God's rest. And I know He will answer.

A Song

My daughter played a song for us tonight. It rocks. It's by Matthew West, and it's titled Do Something. You will find it here. Enjoy, sing it out loud, and don't forget to...

Dr Mari

Be still and know that I am God. 
Psalm 46:10

For more on the power of prayer, read Prayer: A Way of Life.

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