Sunday, November 25, 2012

Today, I Am Thankful - Again!

Today, I am thankful.
I am thankful for a new day and the opportunities it brings.
I am thankful for children's laughter, for their honesty and innocence.
I am thankful for the gift of life and health, 
for the ability to walk, talk, hear, see, and admire God's creation.
I am thankful for friends who stay near when it matters most 
and I am thankful for the memories that keep old friends near.
I am thankful for family, for love,
 and for the mundane of every-day living.

I am thankful for trials, for tough times, for people who stretch me.
I am thankful for the priceless gift of true friendship.
I am thankful for rainy days that force me to slow down
and cherish the simple.
I am thankful for God's gifts and my ability to develop and use them.

I am thankful for God and His goodness. 
I am thankful for the sacrifice that opened the door to Life eternal.
I am thankful for God's Word and its riches, its challenges, and its Truth.
I am thankful for God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I am thankful for the mystery
and I am thankful for its miraculous nearness.
I am thankful for mercy, forgiveness, and grace.

Today and every day, 
I am thankful.

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