Saturday, February 11, 2012

Inspiration from a 7 Year-Old

These beautiful words came straight from the heart and hand of a seven year-old who loves and serves the Lord. May they bless you as much as they've blessed me.

The Trees of the Lord's Fruit

"The Lord is saying today to us, 'I will come again for the dead and the sick, the blind, mute or deaf.'

He will help the weak. He will help the poor. The Lord is with us today right now. He has sent the Holy Ghost to our hearts. He has come to heal. The weak will be in front of the strong. The Lord is grace and righteousness. We don't see Him but He's near. He's guiding us to tell about Him. God is love! (1st John 4:8)

We should  love the Lord like Mary. We should be faithful and stand up for what's right like Jesus. We should do things that are good when not asked to. We shouldn't cheat, steal or hurt other people. We should help the poor like Jesus."


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